before you become a warrior, you must be
there is no contradiction between a meditator & a warrior, but the priority is for the meditator
Only a meditator can be relied upon - that the sword in his hand is not going to destroy but to save; that the power that he has come to feel through meditation is going to be a creative energy, so whatever he touches is going to become gold.
I want you all to become magicians - magicians in the sense that your meditation will transform everything that you touch.
Without meditation, whatever you do is futile.
It is precisely when afflicted that you should carefully investigate and inquire where the affliction arises from
Right when you're afflicted, is it existent or nonexistent, empty or real?
Keep investigating until your mind has nowhere to go
When you arouse yourself to the point where the habit energy of love and affection within the store-house of consciousness is exhausted, then naturally it's like water being returned to water - giving back your original being, without thoughts, without sorry or joy
If you try to suppress forcibly, not daring to cry or think about it, then this is deliberately going against the natural pattern, denying your inherent nature: raising a sound to stop an echo, or pouring on oil to put out a fire.
renunciation proclaims [somethings] reality [...] it is pure and simple escape, out of a cowardly mind [...] encounter the arduous realities of life
not over others, but simply a tremendous energy arising in you from the very core of your being
Not that you are powerful over others, it is simply that you are powerful
power over others can be taken away; it is dependent on others, it is not yours
You are simply hiding your impotence
Real power comes only with the experience of your own being
in search of the authentic, the real, your own
If you are independent, absolutely rooted in your own being, this experience of power can be shared
the transition of the lamp
You all have an inexhaustible source of power
it has something to do with your roots in existence
the more aware of this you become, the more powerful you become
the more you give it, the more existence brings to you from invisible sources
Man is just like a tree
As the tree has roots in the earth, which you don't see, man has roots in existence which are invisible
Once you become aware of your innermost center, you become aware of your immense power (which) can never do any harm to anybody
(It) can be used only as a blessing
remain alert [so as] not to fall in discord
remain always in accord
In tune with reality, you are right; the moment you are out of tune with reality, you are wrong
action without thinking, action without mind
commitment should be to truth, not to personalities
The whole of history is full of the failures of revolutions; and the reason for their failure is that they were not coming from being - they were only coming from doing
If you want to be really a rebel, first you have to find your being
Then each of your acts will be not only an act of love and devotion, it will also be an act of tremendous revolution - in your life and in other people's lives
Only a rebellious person is truly revolutionary & is truly religious
He does not create an organization, he does not create a following, he does not create churches
Everything beautiful in life is risky
Don’t allow the mind. Be a gambler.
"Whosoever clings to life, whosoever tries to preserve it, will lose it, & whosoever is ready to lose it, will preserve it" [- Christ]
Every child is a warrior, every old man is a businessman [of the mind, mechanical] don’t be calculating or cunning [...] the whole society, education, culture, conditioning, makes you more & more fearful, afraid. You cannot take any risks - & everything that is beautiful is risky. Love is a risk, life is a risk, godliness is a risk - godliness is the greatest risk - O
if you can risk, totally risk, not preserving anything, not playing tricks with yourself, not withholding anything, suddenly the unknown envelops you. And when it comes, you become aware that it is not only the unknown, it is the unknowable. It is not against the known, it is beyond the known. To move in that darkness - to move in that uncharted space without any maps and without any pathways, to move alone into that absolute - the quality of the warrior is needed [...] because you were once children, you were all warriors, you were all dreamers of the unknown. That childhood is hidden, but it cannot be destroyed; it is there, it still has its own corner in your being. Allow it to function. Be childlike & you will be warriors again [...] Don’t feel depressed; you can be a warriror anywhere. It is a quality of the mind, to take risks, the childlike quality - to trust & to move beyond that which is secure.
To bridge the gap
the rift between you & existence
Division & Conflict (inner & outer)
how to bridge that rift, and how not to create it anymore
Earth Holder - Bridge the Chasm
Preserve & Protect
Contribute the energy of holding life together, sustaining life
The energy that is holding us together
Further communication, connection, between humans & other species & to protect the Earth & the environment
To collaborate in creating a new chapter in this era of globalization
Create space that can embrace everyone, build bridges to cross from one side to the other, & to build a road, a way, so we can reach those we love
- Thích Nhất Hạnh on the Lotus Sutra
meditate on suffering; from sufferer to centered
No mud, no lotus
- Thích Nhất Hạnh
Real silence only follows after the storm
real, authentic silence happens only after you have passed through a storm. Only when the storm is over can the silence explode within you, never before. You can create a false silence before the storm, but then you are deluded. You can create stillness - artificial, cultivated, forced from without - but it is not spontaneous, it is not of your inner being. There are many tricks to still the mind [...] that sleep is not silence [...] simply negative. You have become dull because of repetition. Every repetition creates dullness [...] Through dullness you cannot experience misery, you cannot experience suffering. The dullness is an anesthetic - it has made you unconscious [...] you will be less tense, but not more alive. A silence to be real, must be more alive and more sensitive. A real silence comes only after the storm. Don't force the storm to disappear [...] live it, allow it to happen. Act it out, throw it out. Allow the storm to disappear from you, evaporate from you. Don't suppress it [...] it will remain in you [...] unconscious [...] that which is suppressed has to be fought again and again [...] Your stillness will be on top of a volcano, and that volcano can erupt at any moment [...] you will negate life, you will try to escape from life [...] whatsoever is there: the storm within. Allow it to move without and don't resist, don't suppress. Allow it to move out totally. Then a moment will come when the storm has gone. In that moment, real silence happens to you [...] The stream is flowing. It is not anything that you have created; it is not anything that is happening because of your effort [...] you are not there, only the silence is. And the silence is fearless. Nothing can disturb it because that which could be a disturbance has been thrown out. The storm has disappeared.
You cannot force the flower to open, it opens by itself. You cannot force your being to open; there is no possibility of it [...] you cannot be violent toward it. It will simply be destroyed.
The flower opens by itself. The only soil needed is authentic, real spontaneous silence [...] trouble is a training. You should not try to have fewer troubles. Be with your troubles, be in your troubles and move through them. Don't leave them, don't escape from them. A moment will come when you have gone beyond them, but that moment always comes from passing throught them. Pass through the storm and allow a real silence to come. Then your being will flower, not till then.
The Essence of Yoga
nonviolence, honesty, nonpossessiveness
freedom is a great responsibility [...] but a new door opens through that [initial] burden and you can throw the suffering out [...] if I have been causing my miseries I can drop causing them [...] It is up to me to stop pedaling, then the bicycle would stop. No one else is pedaling it [...] I have been responsible for all that I have been suffering or enjoying [...] become free [...] choose your own world to live in [...] dance and the whole dances with you
rise beyond distinction, judgment, ego
5 Mindfulness Trainings (INITIAL)
14 Mindfulness Trainings (SUBSEQUENT)
- Thích Nhất Hạnh & the Order of Interbeing

- OSHO (Talks)
Nine Paths to Warriorship - Susan Piver
Exertion, Love, Accomplishment, Poetics, Clarity, Truth, Magic, Power, Presence
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior
- Chögyam Trungpa
Thunder Perfect Mind

Conscious media, body^mind exercise videos, & more

Transformational Education, Media, & Events

Worldwide organized activist movement dedicated to educate & give a voice to the voiceless