realize nature
bring it into your process
nurture, celebrate & liberate your relations with it
for yourself, each other, nature
Nature is our sacred origin in existence/in life & divine gift in the present
It is a part of us, we are a part of it in an endless network/weave of relations
\It is a mirror of/for all that we are & all that we do
We have a shared, interdependent interest in it
It has intrinsic & intertrinsic value
It is & gives so much to us in Source & Spirit; in serenity & wildness, as equalizer, healer, revealer, teacher, messenger, companion, community...
appreciate it, learn from it, love it, love through it...
& in the right ways we can give so much back to it through a great reciprocity of nurturance, liberation, & celebration in balance
So much is already available & reachable to us here^now
Attune to, commune with, & connect with it
be with it, be present with it, be^live in dance with it
Have moments of aloneness with it & immerse yourself in it to disentangle & dissolve the mind, society, modern life
Let it in - reach out to it, let it reach you - embrace it, be embraced by it
Let its naturalness & openness penetrate & illuminate your being & enliven your naturalness, openness, wholeness, & wholiness across all relations
Be taken by nature - discover its magic & mystery - let it do wonders
Be grateful for it & generous to it, be^live in & by its grace
Become rooted/Find your rootedness in it to realize yourself in it, through it
It is a bridge to our greater calling
Recalibrate & realign our ways towards human^nature integration - dignity & prosperity with nature - for nature, not against nature - a kinship in union
Realize your spiritedness in kinship with nature, together with humanity
Honor native people’s sacred wisdom; connection, alignment, reverence, care, & mysticism to guide our own realizations to share in return
Then, through collaboration & stewardship, we can thrive together as the greater whole
Utilize relational dimensions to appreciate, understand, & integrate nature within, without, withall as well as apply & integrate nature realizations across other foci
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Soil health is crucial to us and all other creatures inhabiting this planet
Soil degradation is the most pressing ecological challenge of our time.
Soil revitilization is our greatest opportunity to turn the situation around.
Help save the planet, ourselves & nature:
- compost; return & increase organic content to build healthy soil
- support shifts towards tree-based agriculture or agroforestry
- reduce meat consumption
- organic vegetable and fruit diet – healthy for you and the planet
- join others in building a Conscious Planet
- Sadhguru / Isha Foundation
USDA: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Soil health resources, literature & principles:
be creative with nature
channel through to nature creatively
be playful & collaborative
be thankful, give thanks
Species rich reforestation (indigenous wisdom, local restoration)
The Great Green Wall (Africa)
Baobab & beyond
local native plants & quality soil for biodiversity & susta...
Water, the key to life as we know it