realize yourself, life, existence
the path to enlivenment
realize yourself, life, existence
the path to enlivenment
Realize enlivened beinghood in kinship
Enlightenment, Empowerment, Enrichment
to the essential & the ultimate
truly be^live
be^live in the greatness of enlivenemnt beyond selfhood
framework, tools & supports
delve beneath ⥯ reach beyond
receive ∞ give
all in exchange
all opportunities
seize the moment
tap through to everything
synthesize, synchronize, synergize
reinforce & enhance
one through another
return to center, anew
remember what is
powerful foci combination spreads & formations
the source of all, exists in you
what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- Mary Oliver
Be yourself and don't worry about what it is to succeed. Do what you love.
- Joe Talbot
choose to write a story of regeneration of both nature and the human spirit
- Christina Figueres & Tom Rivett-Carnac
Live naturally, ordinarily, without trying to be superior, without going on a pilgrimage toward paradise. Just here & now, & enjoy whatsoever life gives to you. Be creative, be intelligent - but this is not making you a superman
the most basic laws of life has to be understood. Life is based on polarity, everything exists with its polar opposite - and otherwise is not possible [...] Everything exists within its polar opposite. You cannot experience happiness unless you have deeply experienced unhappiness, and you cannot come to the ultimate ecstasy if you have not been thrown into the ultimate agony. Hence the meaning of the world, hence this whole suffering: it is not meaningless [...] Only through darkness can light be recognized. You may be living in light, but if you don't know darkness you cannot know that you are living in light [...] the world is just a training ground. You must be thrown deeply into matter, only then can you come back to the other pole, to the peak of consciousness.
I am is the way - consciousness - the essence of sense of identity beyond form [...] the universal soul expressing itself as an individual
- Eckhart Tolle
You can feel it only if you have felt it already within yourself [...] You can recognize a 'buddha' only when you have recognized a certain quality of buddhahood in you; from there is the bridge.
Welcome whatever arises. Be in touch with that which doesn’t change [...] the still, alert consciousness in you
- Eckhart Tolle
all relationships are mirrors. In whatever way you are related with life, it reflects you [...] Don't try to change life; just change yourself and life changes [...] Change yourself, and suddenly life becomes beautiful.
Never borrow. Even if your flower is small, it is good, it is yours. Even if someone else's flower is very big, has much fragrance, has much color, don't borrow it. Yours is good. It is your destiny. God wants you to flower in your own being.
Whenever any part claims to be the whole, then things go ugly [...] Then you have lost your roots into wholeness [...] you are reduced to the earth, your sky is lost [...] reduced only to the roots & you don't have any branches which can spread into the sky & greet the sun & the rains & meet with the clouds & communicate with the sky.
we shall harness 'for God' the energies of love, & then, for a second time in history of the world, man will have discovered fire
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Life [expands] on every level with grace & ease
[notice] the perfect beauty that [exists] inherently within everything
No longer in a hurry, [trust] the timing of circumstances unfolding
Instead of being held back by perfectionism, flow in collaboration with life
- Sue Morton
Accept your life with such gratefulness
Discover your being. Contribute your potential to life.
[...] above all, don't wobble
- (Zen Master)
the whole society teaches you to be a doer, nobody is concerned with your being
being is your deeper nature
There is no antagonism between doing and being, just that being will bring depth, significance, to your doings
When you know only doing, you are unaware of your great potential
there are greater things possible in you
The same acts of love, of devotion, will have such profundity, such eternity, that you will be amazed that you were satisfied only with the surface and never dived deep into the water. But without diving deeper into the water you cannot find the pearls.
the man of being does things more beautifully, more gracefully, more aesthetically
The man of being transforms his doings from their mundane quality into something sacred
it will not destroy your doing, it will simply beautify it; it will make each act a prayer, each act an art, each act a deep fulfilment. Being will flow through your doing; it will make your life more colorful
if your doing flows from your being, then each doing has a different flavor, a different individuality, a different fragrance
Insight/Clarity, Effective Response/Action, Satisfaction/Nourishment, Completion/Relaxation
& over-coming barriers to them & their cycle
(Hakomi Method, Ron Kurtz)
One nature, one reality
One nature perfect and pervading circulates in all natures
One reality, all comprehensive, contains within itself all realities
The one Moon reflects itself wherever there is a sheet of water
And all the moons in the waters are embraced within the one moon
- Yung-Chia Ta-Shih
Drop the mind
You will not be needed. No effort is needed. Simply your whole being has to be available, your whole energy has to be available. Then the flower comes by itself.
Don't wobble
Whatever you do, do it totally, beyond disturbance
Thundering Silence - Knowing the better way to catch a snake
along with other lessons to liberate from other mistakes/traps along your path
Polarity: two sides of the same whole
Life is based on polarity; everything exists with its polar opposite. Otherwise is not possible.
Nothing lasts forever; don’t regress, don’t fight it [...] through it you will learn & mature. When ‘depressed’, simply be depressed. Don’t get depressed about your depression. Don’t fight it don’t create any diversion, don’t force it to go. Just allow it to happen; it will go by itself. Life is a flux; nothing remains the same. You are not needed; the river moves by itself, you don’t have to push it. If you are trying to push it, you are simply foolish. The river flows by itself. Allow it to flow.
When depression is there, allow it to be. Don’t get depressed about it. If you want to remove it sooner, you will get depressed. If you fight it, you will create a secondary depression that is dangerous. The first depression is beautiful, God-given. The second depression is your own. It is not God-given; it is mental. Then you will move in mental grooves. They are infinite.
If you get depressed, be happy that you are depressed and allow the depression to be. Then suddenly the depression will disappear and there will be a breakthrough. No clouds will be there and the sky will be clear. For a single moment, heaven opens for you.
If you are not depressed about your depression you can contact, you can commune, you can enter this heavenly gate.
Life uses the opposite as a teacher, as a background.
Whenever you are depressed, wait for the moment that the depression goes.
If you dance madly [...] you begin to be aware of a silent point within you; with sitting silently, you begin to be aware of madness. The opposite is always the point of awareness.
The Ultimate Polarity:
Meditation & Love
the art of being alone, & the art of being together
I have tasted truth from both sides. I have loved totally and I have meditated totally. And this is my experience, that a person is whole only when he has known both. Otherwise he remains half, something remains missing in him
The meeting of opposites - where all other opposites melt & become one, the ultimate polarity contains all
Humanity needs a totally vision now [...] silence has to become their celebration, & celebration has to become their silence
make all the efforts possible to become such a liquidity, a flow, so that both poles belong to you.
Then you will have the taste of wholeness. And to know wholeness is the only way to know what is holy. There is no other way.
realize egolessness through selflessness & ordinariness
drop the ego, be without self, don’t seek extraordinariness
to become nobody is the most difficult, almost impossible, most extraordinary thing in the world. The ordinary mind hankers to be extraordinary, that is part of ordinariness; the ordinary mind desires to be somebody in particular, that is part of ordinariness. You may become an Alexander, but you remain ordinary — then who is the extraordinary one? The extraordinariness starts only when you don’t hanker after extraordinariness. Then the journey has started, then a new seed has sprouted.
an empty boat is not going anywhere because there is nobody to direct it, nobody to manipulate it, nobody to drive it somewhere. An empty boat is just there, it is not going anywhere. Even if it is moving it is not going anywhere. When the mind is not there life will remain a movement, but it will not be directed. You will move, you will change, you will be a riverlike flow, but not going anywhere, with no goal in view. A perfect man lives without any purpose; a perfect man moves but without any motive [...] happening without doing, happening without manipulating.
whatsoever is to be done tomorrow, do it today, right now, don’t postpone it. And whatsoever can be enjoyed right now, never enjoy it right now, postpone it for tomorrow. This is the way to enter hell. It always succeeds, it has never been a failure. Try it and you will succeed — or, you may have already succeeded. You may have been trying it without knowing.
Mind can live in the future, but cannot live in the present. In the present you can simply hope and desire. And that’s how you create misery. If you start living this very moment, here and now, misery disappears.
"he who is content with himself has done worthless work. Achievement is the beginning of failure, fame is the beginning of disgrace"
[Don't be/remain there] to be content with, then there is no question of contentment or discontentment. This is real contentment, when you are not there. But if you feel that you are content, it is false - because you are there, and it is just ego fulfillment. You feel that you have achieved, you feel that you have reached. [...] for Chuang Tzu there is only one character worth mentioning, and that is egolessness - all else follows it. Without it, nothing has worth [...] It is only when you are not there that [ugliness/dis-ease] disappears
your ego, your somebodiness, is your past. Unless you are empty you cannot be here, and unless you are here you cannot be alive.
[If you] are still there, the empty boat has not come into being yet, the boat is still filled. The ego is sitting there, the ego is still enthroned
The past can project into the future — the future is nothing but the past extended — but the past cannot face the present. The present is totally different, it has a quality of being here and now. The past is always dead, the present is life, the very source of all aliveness. The past cannot face the present so it moves into the future — but both are dead, both are nonexistential. The present is life; the future cannot encounter the present, nor can the past encounter the present.
know the bliss of life - every moment it is showering on you [don't] bypass it
- OSHO on Zen mystic Chuang Tzu’s The Empty Boat [- empty body -] the state of egolessness and encounter nothingness
Realize your upstate-downstate balance
The Energy Codes & The Quantum Flip
self-realization on the energy level
- Sue Morton
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