realize technology
nurture, liberate & celebrate your relations with it
for yourselves, others, nature
Technology is an ever-growing means/tool to a lot of things - & it is only speeding up, not slowing down
With little guidance & governance, technology is very much a double-edged sword - it is & can be both enlivening & disenlivening, humanizing & dehumanizing, for & against nature
This drive forward in technological development & adoption in our lives, across the world, is increasingly compromising our livelihood & trajectory
Its quick fixes, distractions & all-encompassing uses can bypass, or give a false sense of, enlivenment - which realizing Source, Spirit, & Relations brings to light & resolve - helping us to move away from disenlivening use, over-use/ -dependence/-reliance & deviation from humanity, nature, life, existence
Don’t reduce this life, this existence, to technology
Be^live enliveningly with & without modern technology
Nurture, liberate & celebrate enlivening relations with & without technology
Disentangle from technology - desaturate, deradiate, de-assimilate
Remove, reduce, replace its ills, hindrances & barriers to prevent over-use/-exposure, dis-ease & ills; unplug, turn off, set limits, take breaks create low/no tech space (including time) away from it; substitute with low/no tech alternatives; realize firsthand how, when & why to engage/disengage with technology-use/exposure; minimize/reduce WiFi/cellular electromagnetic field/radiation & blue light exposure through distancing/breaks as well as utilizing other devices/resources for protection
Use technology to consume, create & relate enliveningly - don’t fall for deceptive traps that suck you in & reinforce disenlivening habits
Bypass technology as a means not an ends - don’t let it get in the way/become the focus - commune & be in direct relations/reciprocity beyond the technology
Cultivate reachability, alertness & reverence for enlivening relations around technology use - including what we internalize & externalize due to it
Utilize its enlivening, humanizing, nature-/naturalness-favoring offerings & the opportunities it offers to free up or enhance capacity to be human/natural
Humanize relations with it & away from it - don’t relate to it or embody it - externalize/minimize & dissolve any relational mechanicalness & transactionality
Realize devices within, without, withall
Integrate ancient/no-tech devices/constructs - experiment & be creative with them to enliven relations; realize your craft for enlivenment with/without technology/devices - let it be instrumental to enlivenment - your calling to greater dignity & prosperity for self, others & nature
Utilize relational dimensions to better appreciate, understand, be compassionate about & integrate devices that are at play
be creative with technology
channel through to technology creatively
be open, playful, & co-creative