enliven relations ^ be enlivened by relations
give rise to & channel SOURCE & SPIRIT into relations
nurture, liberate & celebrate relations
for yourself, others, nature
Nothing is in isolation
Nothing is static
Everything in existence is in relation - an interplay of relations & co-existence
a great reciprocity, a great direct & indirect co-existence
As relationally-motivated, -sensitive & -dependent beings, relations are a fundamental to our beinghood & kinship
The quality of our life/existence & our capacity for enlivenment is entirely derived & dependent on our reachability - our receptivity & responsivity across the whole spectrum of relations, to our calling within, without, withall
Greater relational awareness, autonomy, integration & syzygy enables us to deepen & heighten our connectedness, involvement, intentionality, & oneness with the whole
Come together
Inter-relate in our relations with self, others, nature, life, existence; all relations
Be^live in direct communion with & through relations - naturally, openly & wholly - from the vibrational to the wholy, in grace & truth
enliven relations ∞ be enlivened by relations
to nurturance, liberation, celebration
In addition to EV’s concentrated supports for enlivenment through relations with Source & Spirit, EV offers specific specific supports for realizing, building awareness for, & enlivenment with the following relations:
These were chosen due to the significant role they play in our lives, the attention they demand/warrant, & to demonstrate application of the EV Process to specific relations
This, & all of EV’s foci & resources/supports, can be utilized across all relations
EV encourages all supports/foci & realizations from Source, Spirit & Relations to be interpreted, applied, & channeled across all relations
various dimensions to our relationality