realize space

bring space into your process

nurture, celebrate & liberate your relations with it

for yourselves, each other, nature


Space makes up the majority of everything & can be found anywhere -

in the greatest & smallest of things - within, without, withall

Yet all too often & readily, people are spatially unaware, forgetful, short, struggling, challenged, compromised, unsettled, conflicted...

Everyone & everything to some extent affects & is affected spatially - environments/landscapes & terrain - both externally & internally - physical, non-physical & perceived - anything sensed (even time) can affect sense of space, spatial connection & connection to or through space


We are part of everything & everything is part of us - one greater whole

where Source, Spirit, & everything in existence is together in relations


We also have an innate capacity to enliven relations with space(s), be enlivened by space(s), & transform space(s)

Through spatial presence, communion & integration, & applying this to other foci, it is possible to reach & enhance enlivenment

It can enlighten, enrich & empower us spatially - from the space we bear, encounter, find ourselves in, to those we create, reach & realize


Bring space into process

Be^live for/from it - nurture, liberate, celebrate spatially enlivened relations


Clear & open space - within (inner) & without (outer) - through dissentanglement & dissolve for spatial availability/readiness withall


Use breath, body^mind, movement & awareness as devices for spatial integration & enlivenment


Openly embody & share space to simply be - as is, with everything as is - , naturally, openly, truly; wholly


Explore, commune with, connect with & integrate inner & outer landscapes & terrain - towards open syzygy withall


Realize & tap through to the spaciousness of everything, the magic in & of here^now & the dance that happens in the space between everything’s connection, interaction, intimacy

Realize your place at home with the whole of life & existence

all spaces & places - the sanctuary, wilderness & everything in-between that make up this paradise


Be(come) a vessel, a throughpass for Source & Spirit towards enlivenment across all relations - inside-out, outside-in - let in, let out, let change/transform


Utilize relational dimensions to appreciate, understand, & integrate spatial dimensions (e.g. inter-spatial, personal space...) as well as apply & integrate spatial realizations across other foci



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create space for yourselves, each other, nature

channel through to space creatively

be collaborative