there should be dialogue
mankind will be better if people could come to an understanding, could see other's points of view, could stand in [their] shoes
[However] only one thing can bring peace in the world, and that is when I and thou, the self and other selves, all disappear
A feeling arises of oneness, of one consciusness, of one being
And it can arise, because it is the reality
understand thoroughly [...] that there is neither self nor others
Heaven and hell are nowhere else but in the heart of the person
thinking of ourselves as separate from everybody else, we have created hell
If we start having a harmony, a deep accord with each other, this very earth is the lotus paradise
continuously in conflict with others, you are losing your power
If all conflicts disappear - that means if you understand & feel the oneness with existence - then you will start conserving your power without any effort, because there is nobody else to fight with, there is no way to destroy your power in unnecessary fights
see it as it really is, practice according to reality & act according to reality [-] not fall in discord with it
be in tune with reality & you will be automatically on the right path
be in accord with existence, & your life will be a rejoicing, a blissful ecstasy, a continuous dance; your life will become an eternal spring
[nothing fixed, nothing ready-made]
Jump into life's deepest waters. Only life can redeem you from death. Start enjoying the beauty that surrounds the world [...] come closer in every area of life with intensity and totality.
Life is a blessing, it is not a sin. Life is a gift, it is not guilt. Live the greatest thing that existence has given to you, for nothing. Don't lose a single moment, when there is a chance to dance, don't sit in the corner and be an onlooker. Participate. When people are laughing, don't participate just not to look stupid. Laugh with your whole heart. Don't be worried whether everybody is laughing or not.
Meditation, love, creativity, enjoying small things will bring you closer to life [...]
Just look at the lighter side of life and enjoy it to its fullest and all fear will disappear. Only experience of life, love and laughter will dispel the darkness of fear
there is a certitude that is arrived at through love, not through logic. There is a certitude that is arrived at not by the head, not through the head, not by any syllogism, but by a singing heart, a dancing heart
Love needs intimacy. Love needs a certitude that is not arrived at by the head but through the heart. When certitude is arrived at through the heart, it is for ever and for ever. It knows no change
Life is a flux, nothing abides
If change is the nature of life, then clinging is stupidity, because your clinging is not going to change the law of life
clinging is only going to make you miserable
Things are bound to change; whether you cling or not does not matter
If you cling you become miserable: you cling and they change, you feel frustrated
If you don't cling they still change, but then there is no frustration because you were perfectly aware that they are bound to change
This is how things are, this is the suchness of life
Stop clinging and then you go beyond sorrow
Love is a luxury
It is abundance
It is having so much life that you don’t know what to do with it, so you share
It is having so many songs in your heart that you have to sing them – whether anybody listens or not is not relevant
If nobody listens, then also you will have to sing it, you will have to dance your dance
Life is not a serious affair. It is playfulness. It is fun. It is overflowing energy of existence. For no reason, for no purpose. For no goal, for no end.
Just for the sheer joy of it. This whole universe is just a big joke. That’s why it cannot be explained [...] It simply cannot be explained. Either you get it or you don’t get it.
Forget the dancer, the center of the ego. Become the dance. Dance so deeply that you completely forget that you are dancing and begin to feel that you are the dance
The division must disappear; then it becomes a meditation. The dancer must go, until only the dance remains
Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible, for the simple reason that when dance reaches to its climax the dancer disappears. There is only dance - there is nobody dancing.
And then there is an awareness which is not fo the mind and not of the ego. In fact that awareness cannot be practiced; something else has to be done as a preparation, and that awareness comes to you. You have just to become available for it.
if in some moment love flows, love takes possession of you, go with it. Don't push the river. Don't try to give it any shape. Don't try to [fix it into any ritual]. Just go with it. In deep trust, in deep gratitude, go with it [...] forget [...] let boundaries merge and mix [...] don't try to remain [...] never use anything as a means [...] no means and no ends. Everything simply is an intrinsically beautiful end unto itself [...] let everything be simple, not for anything else [...] not for any result [...] [Health] is a by-product, you need not worry about it - it happens [...] In that relaxed attitude life starts pouring into you from everywhere. All doors open, all windows open. Existence flows into you, you flow into existence [...] very simple [...] very difficult because we are very complex people. Simple things don't appeal to us.
Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind - OSHO
Rick Rubin on Creativity & everyday collaboration in existence, with existence
Don't just sit there
(the why)
Movement is Medicine
The primal, powerful, & playful method to realizing movement
Evolve Move Play
Outdoor movement education and training to build healthier humans
Dance to be Free
Utilize cathartic choreography to facilitate a transformational dance experience in an expressive, fun, and healing way
I Dance for Her
Library of on-demand dance class videos available through subscription (with 7-day trial)
Donate or subcribe to support programming and teacher trainings to women in prisons
Guided music for movement and dance that leads to dynamic, meditative experience and discovery that the center is silent
This transcendental game focuses on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen – a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are.
Purchasable for Android & iOS, & included with the iOSHO app (subscription requried)
Also purchasable as a physical card set with guidebook
The cards of the Osho Transformation Tarot are tools for self-discovery. Each card points the way to an opening for renewal and change that is available to each of us if we can only learn to become more aware of our own hidden potential. Each parable contains a priceless insight that provokes us to search for the truth within ourselves, and nourish it with the gift of our own awareness.
Purchasable for Android & included with the iOSHO app (subscription requried)
Conscious Evolution, Compassionate Creativity & Co-creation
towards the Universal Human
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
I asked Thee to be my friend, And change this dividing trend
He replied that "I transcend, All divisions in me shall end."
- Rumi Shams-e-Tabriz 160
Bitter Sweet Symphony
Move (Dance) - Netflix mini-series