Realize Celebration


Realize the


in you,

in everything

 nurture, liberate, celebrate it


Everything in existence is in dance

Everywhere, in every moment, dance is happening - within & between
everyone and everything - in pure celebration of existence, with
existence, through a continuous dance of direct & indirect interactions


Dance is available to everyone - it is in everyone, it is for everyone

There is always something to notice, be in dance with, about, for...


We are all dancers - a sheer variety of shapes & forms - in dance with
existence, with life, across all relations

Through our presence, our synchrony with the dynamics of life, our
autonomyuniquenessloveplayfulness, creativity... we can be(come)
enlivened Dancers & enliven through Dance


Appreciate & be^live for the magic & beauty that occurs & grows from
dance at play, the interplay & space between those in dance, & the
variety of dance in & between everyone & everything

Be enlivened by it at play in & between each other & nature

Be(come) undone - spontaneous - shake of the mind, society

Let communing & beinghood in kinship across all relations be(come) a
dance - utterly in dance -
unefforted, unserious - in trueness grace -
reach & be reciprocal with others & nature

Dance with the whole spectrum of life -the whole of existence

Be^live in flow with the dynamics of life - delight, savour

Embrace the highs & lows as they come & go - laugh, cry - be grateful,
compassionateallow them to grow into your livelihood

Immerse in dance until the dancer disappears & only dance remains

Be^live in, of & for this open syzygy integration


beyondinterruption; assumption, comparison, judgment,
conditionality, fixedness/rigidity, dependence, exclusivity, denial,
avoidance, aversion, force, emulation, pretending, conjuring


Realize the Dance(r) within, without, withall

Through it, dance wholy, reach whole spiritedness -

Let it anew, celebrate it, be in celebration with it